Matt Sponheimer's Class Stuff

Welcome to Class Stuff. You will find assorted posts and readings that are at least tangentially related to my classes on this page. This is meant to be a student resource, albeit a loosely organized and broad one. For those who are interested in learning a bit about my work there are links to some of my publications and my CV on the sidebar.

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Monday, August 22, 2011

ANTH 5795 Readings

The readings for next week will focus on PhD production and related issues. Please start with Colleges Shouldn't Be Employment Agencies and comments thereupon. These are a bit dated but on point. Then read through a special issue in Nature about the state of the PhD in science. This is not focused on anthropology (which many practitioners do not believe to be scientific), but there will be much relevant for students pursuing graduate studies in all subdisciplines. Lastly, take a look at the profession in the Almanac of Higher Education 2010, Faculty Immobility in the New Economy, Efforts to Measure Faculty Workload Don't Add Up, Junior Professors: Juggling Teaching, Research, and Advice, and a short post entitled Changing How Academia Works and the links therein. 

If you are not on campus you will need to use the CU VPN to access some of the readings.