Matt Sponheimer's Class Stuff

Welcome to Class Stuff. You will find assorted posts and readings that are at least tangentially related to my classes on this page. This is meant to be a student resource, albeit a loosely organized and broad one. For those who are interested in learning a bit about my work there are links to some of my publications and my CV on the sidebar.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

ANTH 4120 Third Exam

Write a short essay on our current knowledge of australopith diets. The ideal essay will be synthetic and will include methodological detail as required. Imagine writing a short piece for Scientific American and you will be in good shape. Essays should be four pages double spaced with 12 point Times Roman type. You are expected to bring the essay to class on November 17th. 

Image from Hilton-Barber & Berger (2004)